Santa Rage, Volume 2

We had so much fun the first time, we had to bring it back!

Inspired by a suggestion from legendary book reviewer, author and multi-term Short Mystery Fiction Society President Kevin R. Tipple, here’s the holiday anthology that’s definitely NOT going to fill you with Christmas cheer. It will, however, be sure to entertain the darker side of your imagination.

Christmas time is a season full of stress. Cooking, decorations, trying to find the perfect gift for people you barely know. It’s enough to make anyone snap. Now, imagine you’re Santa Claus and you’ve got the entire world to take care of.

Yeah, cookies and milk isn’t going to make that kind of pressure go down any easier. Add in reindeer, elves who slack and Mrs. Claus nagging that you never spend enough time with her during the holidays and it’s enough to make your Kris wanna Kringle, if you know what we mean.

Welcome to Santa Rage 2, in which Santa Claus finally snaps and gets his just desserts…and we’re not talking gingerbread. This anthology is based on the idea that one night, while out making deliveries, Santa snaps thanks to the holiday stress and goes on a killing spree. Bonus points awarded for story elements involving meth or drug dealing, strippers, and the best dose of karma Santa ever dealt that did not involve coal.


1. In case it isn’t readily obvious, we’re looking for dark, dark, dark fiction here. Violence welcome. Horror welcome. Cursing welcome (within reason, not just to be gratuitous). This is NOT an anthology for kids. If you think you’ve gone over the top, you may not have gone far enough for our tastes. Look at the stuff Chuck Tingle gets away with and everyone loves him.
2. With the above being said, there are still some limits here. Absolutely no misogyny or violence against women and/or children. No bestiality, incest or any of the typically taboo topics not allowed by most publishers. You know the trope about never kill dogs in your story? That applies. We love dogs. Cats, on the other hand…yeah, you can probably kill the cat.
3. You still must have a STORY. No violence just for the sake of having it. The story must make sense and have a true beginning, middle and end. Santa may be violent but he’s still the hero so can’t be written in a way that makes us hate him. Humor balanced with vengeance is always a plus.
4. It’s still a Christmas story, so keep that in mind as well.
5. LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC characters and authors very, very strongly encouraged. Be authentic!
6. All works must be original to this publication and cannot have been published or self-published previously.
7. We’re perfectly ok with simultaneous submissions to other publishers, but please let us know if you’d like your story withdrawn from consideration.

8. We recommend checking out the first volume in the series to get an idea of what we’re looking for.


1. We’re not looking for flash fiction, but we’re not against it if it works. Prefer more in the regular short story length (3000-5000 words).
2. All submissions need to be in DOCX or Pages format. Please format using Shunn Manuscript Format.
3. All entries should be sent to with SANTA in the subject heading. All entries will be acknowledged.
4. All submissions need to be received no later than 11:59PST, April 31st, 2025. Decisions will be made by May 30th, 2025. We will do our best to notify authors early if their work is not accepted, but they cannot be resubmitted. Estimated publication is July 2025 in time for the bookstore and library holiday buying season.
5. Contributors may choose between two paperback copies to be fulfilled within 30 days of publication or $25 due within 90 days of the official street date of the publication of the anthology (not the pre-order date). All contributors will receive an ebook copy and deep discounts on paperback versions. Our anthology agreement gives us exclusive rights for six months from publication date, then non-exclusive rights thereafter, meaning that contributors are free to reuse their story in any manner they wish after the first six months of publication.
6. Original stories only, no reprints.
7. The anthology will be limited to no more than 12 stories and will be edited by J. Alan Hartman.
8. This anthology will be published under our Nazca Press imprint.

Please direct all questions to Editor-in-Chief Jay Hartman at

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